Saturday, June 5, 2010

Guitar Playing Tips To Help You Learn And Master Guitar Playing

By: Carolyn Anderson

The guitar is one of the most enjoyable musical instruments to learn. Aside from being portable, you can also easily sing along your favorite songs with it. To help you learn fast and easy, finding some guitar playing tips from friends who know the instrument, learning from tutors and finding some web resources and tutorials can help you a lot in your quest to become a guitar master.

Some people who start learning the guitar may be stuck at one point of the lessons and don't end up finishing the course - probably because of many reasons - too painful to the fingers, or the barre chords are too difficult and they avoid it, or they have grown impatient. If you want to learn the instrument, you have to have the determination to master the skill. To make your learning easy, here are some of the guitar playing tips that you might find useful in your practice.

  • Learn how to read tabs. It may not be the perfect system to learn how to play the guitar, but it sure can make a lot of difference in being able to learn faster. It is also a great way to learn new songs on the guitar without having to read music. The notations of a guitar tab may be difficult to decipher at first glance, but when you get to understand them, they can be your guide to playing your favorite songs.

  • Trim those nails. If you are not playing clear notes, it might just need a little trimming of your fingernails. Indeed, long fingernails on your fingers that press the strings may make your playing more difficult. Short fingernails are best with that hand on the frets, so that only your fingertips are pressing down the string. Press the strings more to make the note clearer. Do not worry about the bit of pain - it will be gone after a few days of practicing on your guitar and callus begins to form on your fingertips.

  • Do you like singing while playing the guitar? Use the capo. The capo is device clamped on the frets of the guitar to change the key of the song. If you have been playing the guitar and sometimes you tend to find it difficult to sing at the right key of the song, you will find the capo helpful. Indeed, one of the great guitar playing tips to consider especially if you are a singer wanting to learn to play the guitar.

  • Learn to play by ear. It is indeed impressive to find some guitar players who just listen to a song and are able to play it on their guitars without tablatures or sheet music. The skill of playing the guitar by ear can actually be learned. Learning this skill would mean being able to recognize chords, chord progressions as well as listening to melodies and intervals of the song. Some music teachers recommend you to learn these with the help of the piano to make the identification a lot easier. Whatever way you choose to learn t play by ear, make sure you also hone your listening skills to help you through the process.

Keep in mind these guitar playing tips and you might find them useful now or later, in your quest to play the guitar well.

Author Resource:-> Carolyn Anderson loves to play with the acoustic guitar in her free time. For a fun way of learning the guitar, check out Jamorama Guitar Learning Course. Also check out Jamorama Lead Guitar, if you are interested in learning the lead guitar.

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